Current mood: OK.
Finally the cold spell seems over - from -30°C yesterday to -4°C today. But sauna on Saturday was fun - minus thirty outside, 80°C inside - that's a temperature difference of 110 degrees! (Makes you lose your ability to calculate, too ;P)
Spiky's Link of the Day:
Check out the Spam-Free-or-Die Squad. (Video - Needs WMP, QuickTime or RealPlayer.)
For the whole month of January, the comic will update three times a week! Yup,
that's Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday!
In February, we'll be back to the regular twice a week, Tuesday/Friday schedule.
Author's notes:
I really like this. Even if I was too lazy to draw a background :)
I think this isn't the same game as the previous one anymore. And White probably won the first one, and then they switched sides. Yeah.
This month's sponsor: Spikydragon shirts.