Current strip

Current mood: Tired.

Trying to force my way through the artist's block... Maybe it's just because I'm coming down with a cold. (No, not the bird flu.)

Heh, I just noticed that the current author's note mentions combined artist's and writer's block too... I write those at the time I draw the comics, so that was about 3 months ago. I got over it fairly quickly back then. Maybe I'm just whining too much.

Alvan suggested that I draw tentacles to help with the artist's block. But I'm not sure how many of you want to see Vincent and tentacles in the same picture...

Spiky's Link of the Day:

I'll post commercial/advertising websites when they're as cute and unobtrusive as this one: Shave my Yeti. (Flash)

Current (and future :)) update schedule:

Author's notes:

Yay, artist's block and writer's block all in one! Hmph. And of course just when I start on 4 comics per week. Now I'm getting worried that I'll run out of ideas.
The last one was so crowded, now this one seems so empty...

This month's sponsor:   Spikydragon shirts.

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