Current mood: Tired.
Hi there. I'm depressed.
February 9 is an important date in the timeline of the comic. A lot of things happened on that date, one year, four years, 44 years ago. I won't go into details now (since I don't want to spoil any part of the story), but still I had planned to use that date as a reason for finally getting off my butt and get the rest of the site online (you know, the story/character/etc pages and stuff). And again, I just did not manage.
Then I thought I could at least draw a little picture. Maybe about what happened a year ago (in the comic timeline). But I just came home from taiji practice and I'm just way - too - tired.
It's probably because of the winter. With so few hours of daylight, how could I ever be awake enough to get anything done?
Spiky's Link of the Day:
One of my favourite ASCII-Art collections.
Author's notes:
Fact: My grandfather (who died last year) was born on February, 29.
I'm not too happy with this one - I only like panel 2. And I really need to plan the space for the dialogue better when drawing ... By the way, I actually drew this one on New Year's Eve, Roland's sister's birthday ;)