Current strip

Current mood: Annoyed/Stressed out.

I seem to have hit a dead end with the comic ... this weekend wasn't very productive. I don't much feel like drawing, and I'm stuck with my writing too (some problems due to a timeline error I made in my planning, which I have to fix somehow... and general lack of ideas for minor, unimportant storylines to run between the parts of The Big One. Hrm.)
This isn't anything to worry about (yet), that's what my 3+ month buffer is for... but still. Writer's/Artist's block is so frustrating.

Spiky's Link of the Day:

Too much time, looking for a challenge, or for some fame and glory? You could try to solve one of these Famous Unsolved Codes and Ciphers. Myself, I'm currently particularly interested in the Dorabella Cipher...

Current update schedule: Tue/Fri

New schedule starting March: Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri :)

Author's notes:

Yay, I somehow fit all five panels! Wasn't easy ;) Especially when Siron is so big...

This month's sponsor:   Spikydragon shirts.

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