Current strip

Current mood: Happy.

I started playing Vagrant Story. (I would have linked to an official English site, but their European site barely mentions the game, and the North American one not even that...)
That should keep me busy for a while. And don't tell me I'm almost 6 years late playing this, I know :D

Spiky's Link of the Day:

I'm linking a German website today, sorry to all those who don't speak the language, but this is too funny/interesting/cool to pass up on: Fingers elektrische Welt is a site full of crazy inventions and electrical tinkerings.

Current update schedule: Tue/Fri

New schedule starting March: Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri :)

Author's notes:

Big mistake, Vincent. If somebody asks you whether something is an order, always say yes.
What Roland is doing in panels 3-4? Being offended that Vincent didn't talk to him, I guess.

This month's sponsor:   Spikydragon shirts.

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