Current strip

Today's news:

My new monitor should arrive today or tomorrow, as well as a replacement power supply for my printer-scanner ... hopefully that marks the end of the lighnting strike episode, so I can go back to making comics (the buffer has run awfully low) and posting proper Links of the Day :)

Spiky's Link of the Day:

Remember Cold Rat? The band who wrote and recorded the official SHD-WK theme song? Their first EP is *finally* (hopefully) about to be released, and yup, Watch the Spikes is included there as well as in their teaser video on youtube.
(And here's the Cold Rat forum thread :))

Author's notes:

Yeah, I have trouble with action lines. And sound effects. Well, I guess you can figure out what I was trying to do.

SHD-WK Forum

Spiky's World