Current strip

Today's news:

For the past 31 days, I have spent almost every waking hour helping with a huge grid-wide event in Second Life. Think of it sort of like tech support; answering billions of questions in live chat while trying to stay polite, while frantically trying to fix problems behind the scenes. All that as a volunteer. It was ... an experience.
To the friendly, intelligent, polite, funny people I met, I want to say Thank You; had it not been for you I would not certainly have lasted almost the whole 31 days.
To the few very rude, impolite, ignorant, disrespectful people I met, I want to say ... well, this site is supposed to be PG, so I'll just stay respectfully silent.

I'm just glad it's over.

Spiky's Link of the Day:

Sääksikamera, an osprey nest in Finland on webcam. (Click the picture to alternate between wide and tele lens, or click the link under the picture to toggle between updating every 15 or every 120 seconds.)

Author's notes:

Sounds very convincing.

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