Current strip

Current mood: Angry.

Well, now I'm even more offline, since my new computer decided not to be cooperative anymore when I was just done installing and configuring. It's back at the shop and I'm back at my old machine, where I can't really do anything now because I really moved to the new one already and all...
Good thing I had mostly caught up with my buffer, because now I'll fall behind again. :(

Spiky's Link of the Day:

I've linked to optical illusions pages before, so you probably have seen some Hybrid Images already; here's more examples and information.

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Author's notes:

When I started the comic almost three years ago, I spent quite a bit of time proof-reading and making sure that everything is correct. Now it's all routine and I'm not so thorough anymore. Whenever there's a lot of text, like this time, I'm slightly worried that some typo will slip by unnoticed. So far it hasn't happened, I think...

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