Current strip

Current mood: Tired.

I had to stay in bed sick all day again. I wonder if it's just the weather? It has been a while since I last saw the sun...
The holidays are coming closer, and I should be drawing a special holiday comic/picture like I did in the previous years, but I just can't seem to get started. Well, there's two weeks left, so there's still hope...

Spiky's Link of the Day:

Check out this cool visualisation of "Giant Steps" by John coltrane. (Flash, sound)

Reminder: For the whole month of January 2006, the comic will update three times a week! Yup, that's Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday!

In February, we'll be back to the regular twice a week, Tuesday/Friday schedule.

Author's notes:

Yeah, it's sorta unfunny again. At least that's typically Spiky.
It's true, knights in this world don't really serve a purpose. There's rules about how many knights a lord may have, and they are just there to show off and for the occasional tourney. Of course they are the lord's bodyguards, but when are those really needed? Well, unless you're as well liked as Baron Ashcliff, I guess...

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