Current strip

Current mood: OK.

So, this comic is 2 years old today, huh ... When I started this in 2003, I sure didn't really believe I would manage to stick to it for this long. But yay for me, I did!

I wish I had been feeling a bit better in the past weeks, because I really would have liked to draw a special 2-year-anniversary bonus picture or comic or something, but alas .... But hey, at least there's some new fanart for the occasion.

Spiky's Link of the Day:

Speaking of anniversaries, the ISS just recently celebrated 5 years of human occupancy. And the top 10 ISS pictures are definitely impressive.

Author's notes:

Hmmm. That simple grey background wasn't such a good idea as it seemed at first. Oh well...
Two years of comics, and I'm still not anywhere near good with my drawing skills. I'm sure better than in the first months, though :).

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