Current strip

Current mood: Annoyed/Stressed out.

Today's "thing I hate most": Stores with neon lights that are broken and flicker constantly.
I mean, seriously. How can people not notice this? Granted, I'm overly sensitive, because for me it's an instant migraine trigger. But if you have to work there for 8 hours a day, wouldn't you, I dunno, go crazy or something?

And on an unrelated note: Happy birthday, Dad! ;P

Spiky's Link of the Day:

Here's a link you've all been waiting for: the Prime Number Shitting Bear. (Javascript; does not work in Opera 6)

Author's notes:

Still rushing things (see #161 for reasons).
I won't even mention my problems with drawing Roland anymore (Oops, I just did). But when did he get so paranoid?
Maybe I'm forcing myself too much with trying to refill the buffer. I don't even like panel 3. At all.

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