Current strip

Current mood: OK.

Happy New Year everybody!

I found that the perfect movie to watch on New Year's Eve is Shaun of the Dead. It's a romantic comedy, with zombies. It's actually both funny and gory. Not too romantic though, which is good, because I hate romantic comedies. Well, not too gory either, except for the one disembowelling scene... But funny! :D
If you've already seen this, watch it again! Or better yet, watch Spaced.

Spiky's Link of the Day:

What better to start the new year with than another Lego link? Check out the Level42 mosaic, it's quite impressive. Some day I want to do a Lego mosaic too, but that needs a massive amount of bricks....

Author's notes:

OK, so panel 4 looks a bit empty, but since my new year's resolution was to not spend too much time on fancy backgrounds...
It's fine otherwise, I guess. Felt strange to draw comics for 2005 when it was still 2004 ;)

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