Current strip

Today's news:

This Wednesday, SHD-WK will be six years old.

Over the past few weeks, I have been trying to sort out the comic's future. You all know that I'm not too happy with how it's been going, and while I still love doing it, I find it hard to find the time and energy to actually do it sometimes; and while I'm still committed to finishing the story, however long it takes, I seriously need to take a break and step back and see if I can improve things again.

So, by today, I wanted to have a definite date for taking that break, and ideally all the scripts finalised up to that point. I didn't quite manage. I have comics finished until the end of this year, and drawings finished until the end of March; but that's not a good point to stop. Right now, I'm thinking I'll take that break after comic #920 (which will be at the end of July - and I don't know yet how long that break will be). That seems quite far away still ... and on the other hand, I really would have liked to have that break at #1000, which I think is about the halfway point of the comic (unless I give in to the temptation to speed up the story), but that's much too far away. I may have to take another break at that point though, depending on my health and life situation then.

Well, that's where we stand. I'll write some more about SHD-WK's anniversary and why this one's a special one in the forum on Wednesday.

Spikylinks will return next month or so. If I sound a bit weird or confused, it's because I haven't slept much lately. And before I forget (I should log in and reply over there but ...) - thanks for the shout, D. It made me smile :)

Author's notes:

Panel 3 doesn't really work as well as I thought it would, and I'm not happy with panel 4 ...

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