Current strip

Today's news:

As previously mentioned on the forum, I have tentatively set a date for my short break from the comic: August, September, October next year.

That's still a long time away ... the break will be between comics 920 and 921. (I have comics drawn up to 888 now, scripts to 897, finished ones only to 860 ...). In addition to the break I very likely won't have a holiday picture for Christmas this year; I just don't have the energy right now to even start thinking about it ...

Spiky's Link of the Day:

18 years ago I spent many hours playing Logical, now you can play a very similar browser game: Abstract4. (It's in German, but you can figure it out: "Spiel starten" to start the game, right-click wheels to turn, four balls of the same colour explodes a wheel, left-click on a ball moves the ball, when all wheels are exploded, getting one ball to the exit finishes the level. If you have problems with right-clicks not working correctly, you may need to update your Flash.)

Author's notes:

Sometimes I wonder how (or why) she comes up with such things ...

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