Current strip

Today's news:

I fell behind on everything again ... the search engine, the site itself (there are some areas I should update), a bunch of real-life stuff ... (Well, I'm not behind with drawing comics, at least, just with finishing them up and uploading them ;)). I should probably start a bunch of forum threads to breathe some life back into it, but I'm too scared that nobody will reply and then it will look even emptier. But whenever I say here that I should just close it down, I get emails telling me not to. Well it's not in anybody's way I guess, and I can afford to keep it running, sure, but doesn't an empty forum look worse than no forum at all?

Spiky's Link of the Day:

Friday Flash Game: Shift. (And Shift 2.)

Author's notes:

Spiky is always so helpful :)

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Spiky's World