Current strip

Today's news:

Last weekend was the autumn equinox, one of the rare times when the Isle of Wyrms in Second Life makes a small number of adult dragons available for a few lucky people. I was among the lucky this time! I've shown you a picture of my dragon before, now I'm more than twice as big!

New vote incentive: A screenshot of my new dragon, on top of my SL store :)
Both at TopWebComics and at buzzComix.
(links open in new window)

Thanks to all who take the time to vote! (And remember, you can vote daily -- and on the weekend too :))


Spiky's Link of the Day:

It's Anna's 40th birthday today. She disappeared from her home in 1973; family and friends are still Searching for Anna.

I know it's unlikely that one of my readers would happen to be one who knows something, but I ask you all to visit the site and at least look at the pictures. I do not know Anna or any of her friends or family personally; I just have been following the case ever since it was posted on the Internet, and I feel Anna is out there alive somewhere, and I wish she could be found.

Author's notes:

Yes, we skipped a day here. Nothing really happened there.

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