Current strip

Today's news:

At some point last week, I realised that nothing of importance happens in this week's comics. I should have noticed that before I sat down to draw them, or at least when I finished them up, and should just have skipped them. The story is progressing slowly enough as it is.

That made me sit down and think about things ... I'm having some problems with the comic at this time, it's pretty easy to see; I rarely dare to move away from my simplistic-but-comfortable style anymore, I rarely if ever sit down and just draw without it being for the comic, I'm nowhere near as far ahead in writing the scripts as I always used to be, and I still write as if I were still updating 4 times a week. On top of that I just barely manage to keep up with doing 2 comics a week, and while I still like doing it, it's not as much fun as it used to be, and hasn't been for a while.

No, I'm not quitting. But I need to change things. I need to get a good plan figured out not only for where the story will go, but when it will get there, and I will have to start working towards the end of it all. I'll talk more about it in the next few weeks before the comic's 6th anniversary; I hope to have figured out by then what I want to do and how I want to do it.

Spiky's Link of the Day:

Tape Sculpture.

Author's notes:

It's pretty hard to get Siron and Spiky in one panel (I cheated a bit, too). And I wonder how far Siron has to duck to fit through that door ...

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