Current strip

Today's news:

So, this is where my vacation starts, the first one in two years... It won't be a real vacation though, I have lots of catching up to do to get SHD-WK back on track; I never missed an update, but behind-the-scenes I've been cutting corners everywhere, managing only the minimum work to keep the comic running.

So, over the next 4 weeks, expect boring news postings, repeated or skipped Links of the Day, and maybe I'll even be late sometimes posting the updates on the forum.

The comic, however, will update 4 times a week at midnight Finnish time, just like always :)

I'll probably run the archive ads on the main page during August, to re-evaluate again whether it's worth having them there or not.

New vote incentives tomorrow, if I manage to come up with something.

Spiky's Link of the Day:

Orisinal - Cats (flash). (This one is a repeat.)

Author's notes:

Whee, flying wheelbarrow! Yes, I'm sorry ... I didn't have time to finish the backgrounds properly. There should have been more stuff behind Roland in panels 1-2, and a visible ground level too so the wheelbarrow wouldn't seem to be up in the air :)

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